Loosing……the Secrets and More…..

OK – I’m new to this blogging thing but am bound and determined to figure it out so that I will be able to document my two fall endeavors:
1. My ‘umpteenth” return to Weight Watchers
2. My rockin’ bible study with Beth Moore entitled Sacred Secrets
Now if you don’t think those two topics are intermingled think again!
Weighed in today, you may have heard the screams, and lumbered to my seat to participate in the meeting. Completely discouraged and unmotivated………What I thought was going to be a “not so bad” turned into my new sellf-image resembling:

So I listened to the meeting, not really into it……mind you this is not my first rodeo, I am in fact a 2 time LIFETIMER at WW. I believe in the program and I know it works, but today at the meeting I was not “feelin’ it”. I didn’t want to be there, I didn’t want to hear about how great everyone was doing or how this fabulous salad:
1. can of black beans
2. can of chicken
3. salsa
…..was TO DIE FOR and only 2 pts. per cup….it sounded gross then and still does hours later.
After the meeting I lumbered to my car, called my WW buddy in a different city and talked about how “low” I was and completely disappointed in myself. Her “you have to hit the bottom” speech did little to help but I knew I had to stick to this and take it one day at a time as they say. I shot a prayer up to God and headed toward the first session of an “in home” bible study I belong to……..we are studying Sacred Secrets a Beth Moore six week series.
Hugs from fellow bible study goers not seen over our summer hiatus put a small dent in the WW “reality fog” I was in but the grapes (0 pts) and coffee helped more…..that and, of course, BM (Beth Moore), this is about the 7th study I have done of hers and I am always so grateful to be able to take part in this wonderful study of God’s Word. Her introductory video gave us all a taste of what is to come of the next 6 weeks and how we are going to benefit from exposing our “secrets” to a lighter (WHICH IS AGREED MUCH NEEDED FOR ME) and freer life in Jesus. So we are off to study, self-reflect, work out and count points.
Her ending prayer for us was that “we love the truth”, for those who do not, will be taken in by a lie and away from God.
Until next time……pray, smile and for goodness sake do something nice for somebody!